Applying self tanner to your face can be a little intimidating since it is the most visible part of your body that everyone sees. But, it can be easy and stress-free once you know how to do it correctly! Follow these simple steps and you won’t have to worry about waking up looking like an oompa loompa.

Exfoliate - Use a mild facial cleanser designed for facial use (preferably 24 hours) before self tanning. Gently scrubbing your skin will remove dead skin cells. Since oils can block absorption, use an oil-free exfoliator with organic ingredients.
Do a Patch Test - Perform a test patch 24 hours in advance. On rare occasions, some people can be sensitive to DHA (the active ingredient in self tanners) or possibly any other ingredients in the product - so it is a good idea to try the product out beforehand and also make sure it will give you the color you are looking for.